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Sky News Australia
4 mois depuis

US officials say Russian forces are using North Korean ballistic missiles against Ukraine. National Security Council spokesperson John Kirby says their use is a "significant and concerning" escalation in Pyongyang's support for the invasion. Russia denies any involvement with North Korea. This is despite a meeting in September between Kim Jong-Un and Vladimir Putin to discuss potential military cooperation. The US says the arms transfer is a violation of Russia's UN Security Council obligations - and will discuss sanctions at the next UNSC meeting.

Sky News Australia
4 mois depuis

New details have emerged about this week's fatal plane crash in Japan. The pilots of the Japan Airlines flight that collided with a smaller plane at Tokyo's Haneda Airport were initially unaware that their jet was on fire. Flight attendants alerted crew in the cockpit to the unfolding situation, after the impact caused severe damage to the aircrafts intercom system. There has been mixed reaction from passengers over the airlines handling of the disaster. The revelations come amid new security vision that shows the coast guard plane stopping on the runway for about 40 seconds before the collision.

Sky News Australia
4 mois depuis

Successive weather disasters in Far North and South East Queensland are projected to cause $2 billion in economic loss for the state. Queensland Treasurer Cameron Dick says at least half of that cost will be for repairs but has warned the number may rise as authorities get a clearer idea of the damage. Mr Dick said at least 1300 homes have been damaged across the two regions, as well as almost 50,000 insurance claims. He said he doesn't expect serious impacts on the state's budget, but helping tourism operators to recover will be a priority for the government. Gold Coast Mayor Tom Tate said the council will assist businesses in filing paperwork and advocating for insurance and is calling for incentives to aid the city's tourism recovery. It comes as Queensland Premier Steven Miles has visited some of the areas worst impacted by the storm.

Sky News Australia
4 mois depuis

Author Douglas Murray says we seem to be run by “cultural juveniles” after the British Film Institute’s decision to issue trigger warnings for some James Bond films. The British Film Institute in London issued the early films in the James Bond series with trigger warnings because they could “cause offence today”. The disclaimer warns that all films in John Barry: Soundtracking Bond and Beyond contain “language, images or other content that reflect views prevalent in its time but will cause offence today (as they did then)”. “I’m just trying to think back on the BFI released movies that I’ve seen in the past,” Mr Murray said. “Now, if they’re going to start putting trigger warnings on James Bond, I reckon ‘The 120 Days of Sodom’ probably needs some other kind of extreme warning.”

Sky News Australia
4 mois depuis

The Australian government is boosting tourism funding to Far North Queensland. Business owners in Far North Queensland are hoping cheap flights and discounted accommodation will be enough to attract holidaymakers over the coming months. This follows Far North Queensland having the worst flooding on record. The government has made a $5 million funding agreement with Qantas and Jetstar to discount one-way flights to Cairns until the end of March. Queensland Premier Steven Miles says businesses are desperate to recoup their losses caused by damages and holiday cancellations.

Record News
4 mois depuis

Inscreva-se no canal da Record News no YouTube: ACOMPANHE A RECORD NEWS TAMBÉM NAS OUTRAS REDES: Instagram: TikTok: Threads: Twitter: Facebook:

Record News
4 mois depuis

O número de mortos pelo terremoto no Japão subiu para 84. Outras 79 pessoas seguem desaparecidas. Inscreva-se no canal da Record News no YouTube: ACOMPANHE A RECORD NEWS TAMBÉM NAS OUTRAS REDES: Instagram: TikTok: Threads: Twitter: Facebook:

Record News
4 mois depuis

Diversas entidades do setor empresarial do país estão criticando a medida que reonera a folha de pagamentos dos 17 setores que mais empregam no Brasil. Os representantes alertaram para o aumento no custo de empregar, o que pode prejudicar novas contratações e causar instabilidade no mercado de trabalho. Para nos aprofundarmos mais nesse assunto, falamos com o especialista tributário Eduardo Araújo, que é CEO da Tax All Consultoria Tributária. Inscreva-se no canal da Record News no YouTube: ACOMPANHE A RECORD NEWS TAMBÉM NAS OUTRAS REDES: Instagram: TikTok: Threads: Twitter: Facebook:

Record News
4 mois depuis

O presidente Lula voltou para o Palácio da Alvorada depois de nove dias de recesso, mas ainda não tem agenda pública marcada. Inscreva-se no canal da Record News no YouTube: ACOMPANHE A RECORD NEWS TAMBÉM NAS OUTRAS REDES: Instagram: TikTok: Threads: Twitter: Facebook:

Record News
4 mois depuis

Os receios de uma extensão regional do conflito entre Israel e o Hamas se multiplicaram após as explosões que mataram dezenas de pessoas durante uma procissão no Irã. Sobre o assunto, conversamos o João Correia, professor de Geopolítica. Inscreva-se no canal da Record News no YouTube: ACOMPANHE A RECORD NEWS TAMBÉM NAS OUTRAS REDES: Instagram: TikTok: Threads: Twitter: Facebook:

CNN Brasil
4 mois depuis

Assista AO VIVO à programação da CNN nesta madrugada. #CNNBrasil Inscreva-se no canal da CNN Brasil no YouTube. ACOMPANHE A CNN BRASIL TAMBÉM NAS OUTRAS PLATAFORMAS: Site: Podcasts: Newsletters: Facebook: Twitter: Instagram:

CNN Brasil
4 mois depuis

Assista AO VIVO ao episódio do Mesacast Sinais Vitais desta quinta-feira, 4 de janeiro de 2024. O tema deste programa é: O calor e o coração. Inscreva-se no canal da CNN Brasil no YouTube. ACOMPANHE A CNN BRASIL TAMBÉM NAS OUTRAS PLATAFORMAS: Podcasts: Newsletters: Facebook: Twitter: Instagram:

CNN Brasil
4 mois depuis

Decisões do STF e STJ garantem R$ 500 bilhões para o governo. Julgamentos ainda em aberto podem dobrar esse valor. O diretor de Jornalismo em Brasília Daniel Rittner, o analista de Política Caio Junqueira, o economista da ASA investments Jeferson Bittencourt e o advogado tributarista Luiz Gustavo Bichara comentam a influência dos tribunais superiores no orçamento. #CNNBrasil Inscreva-se no canal da CNN Brasil no YouTube. ACOMPANHE A CNN BRASIL TAMBÉM NAS OUTRAS PLATAFORMAS: Podcasts: Newsletters: Facebook: Twitter: Instagram:

CNN Brasil
4 mois depuis

O ex-presidente americano Donald Trump recorreu à Suprema Corte da decisão que o tornou inelegível no Colorado. O tribunal estadual barrou a candidatura no republicano nas primárias por causa da invasão do Capitólio, em janeiro de 2021. O professor de Relações Internacionais Carlos Gustavo Poggio analisa o assunto. #CNNBrasil Inscreva-se no canal da CNN Brasil no YouTube. ACOMPANHE A CNN BRASIL TAMBÉM NAS OUTRAS PLATAFORMAS: Podcasts: Newsletters: Facebook: Twitter: Instagram:

Band Jornalismo
4 mois depuis

Na edição do "Economia Pra Você" desta quinta-feira (04), Juliana Rosa recebe Roberto Padovani, economista-chefe do Banco BV. Saiba mais em: ???? Redes sociais: ???? Instagram: ????Twitter: ➡️ TikTok: ???? Facebook: #bandnewstv #economia

Band Jornalismo
4 mois depuis

Cidade de Nova York processa empresas de ônibus que transportaram mais de 30 mil migrantes vindos do Texas.

Band Jornalismo
4 mois depuis

Mitre: a memória de oito de janeiro de 2023

Band Jornalismo
4 mois depuis

A estação mais quente do ano começou com muita chuva. Tempestades, alagamentos e raios devem acontecer até o final do verão. Por isso, é importante ficar alerta.

NBC News
4 mois depuis

Colombian police found an oncilla malnourished and injured after being taken by traffickers. The tiger cat was released back into its natural habitat after a six-month rehabilitation. » Subscribe to NBC News: NBC News Digital is a collection of innovative and powerful news brands that deliver compelling, diverse and engaging news stories. NBC News Digital features,,, Nightly News, Meet the Press, Dateline, and the existing apps and digital extensions of these respective properties. We deliver the best in breaking news, live video coverage, original journalism and segments from your favorite NBC News Shows. Connect with NBC News Online! Breaking News Alerts: Visit NBCNews.Com: Find NBC News on Facebook: Follow NBC News on Twitter: Get more of NBC News delivered to your inbox: #Colombia #Tiger #Rescue

NBC News
4 mois depuis

Some women are choosing their jobs based off of the fertility benefits offered by the company. Starbucks and Amazon are just two of the companies some women are choosing that offer coverage for in vitro fertilization services.  » Subscribe to NBC News: NBC News Digital is a collection of innovative and powerful news brands that deliver compelling, diverse and engaging news stories. NBC News Digital features,,, Nightly News, Meet the Press, Dateline, and the existing apps and digital extensions of these respective properties. We deliver the best in breaking news, live video coverage, original journalism and segments from your favorite NBC News Shows. Connect with NBC News Online! Breaking News Alerts: Visit NBCNews.Com: Find NBC News on Facebook: Follow NBC News on Twitter: Get more of NBC News delivered to your inbox: #nbcnews #invitro #healthbenefits

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