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Le Parisien
5 mois depuis

Des hommes armés ont fait irruption dans une chaîne de télévision publique en Équateur. Depuis dimanche 7 janvier et l'évasion du chef du gang des Choneros, Adolfo Macias connu sous le nom de « Fito » l’Equateur est plongé dans une profonde crise sécuritaire #Shorts

Le Parisien
5 mois depuis

L'Equateur est plongé, selon les mots de son président Daniel Noboa, dans un « conflit armé interne » avec les gangs de narcotrafiquants qui a fait déjà fait au moins dix morts. Dernier et spectaculaire épisode d’une crise sécuritaire sans précédent, des hommes armés ont fait irruption mardi après-midi sur le plateau d’une télévision publique à Guayaquil (sud-ouest), prenant brièvement en otage journalistes et autres employés de la chaîne. Ces faits se sont déroulés trois jours après l'évasion de « Fito », le chef de l'un des principaux gangs criminels du pays.

Malaga 24h Noticias
5 mois depuis

Los restaurantes ven tanto despilfarro que estarán obligados a ofrecer tuppers para llevarnos lo que nos ha sobrado. Los supermercados tendrán que ofrecer, incluso, los productos "feos" o imperfectos e incentivar la venta de aquellos próximos a caducar. Nosotros, en casa, también debemos concienciarnos, porque en 2022 tiramos más de 1.170 kilos de comida. No solo desperdiciamos alimentos y bebidas, también el esfuerzo y el dinero de agricultores, ganaderos o pescadores. La nueva ley obligará a las grandes superficies a la redistribución o donación a ONG y bancos de alimentos. Que lo que necesitan muchos no acabe en la basura. English: Restaurants see so much waste that they will be forced to offer tupperware to take us what we have left over. Supermarkets will have to offer even "ugly" or imperfect products and encourage the sale of those that are close to expiring. We, at home, must also raise awareness, because in 2022 we will throw away more than 1,170 kilos of food. We not only waste food and drinks, but also the effort and money of farmers, ranchers or fishermen. The new law will force large stores to redistribute or donate to NGOs and food banks. That what many need does not end up in the trash. Málaga 24 horas noticias live TV en vivo televisión española gratis Noticias en directo de el Mundo, última hora, España, Andalucía, y Málaga. Emisión Online gratis Directo de Málaga 24 Horas noticias. Tu canal de noticias en TDT e internet y operadores de fibra optica. Live information of Malaga, Andalucia, Spain and the world. Your news channel on DVB, internet and optic fiber operators. Live streaming

Malaga 24h Noticias
5 mois depuis

La Reina Margarita de Dinamarca, la monarca más longeva de Europa, acabará su reinado a petición propia el domingo 14 de enero tras 52 años en el trono y será sucedida por su hijo mayor, el príncipe Federico. Las banderas danesas ondean ya en las calles y decoran la ciudad con motivo del desfile que haga la reina saliente en su carruaje hasta el Palacio de Christiansborg, para asistir a un Consejo de Estado en el que firmará su abdicación. English: Queen Margaret of Denmark, Europe's longest-serving monarch, will end her reign at her own request on Sunday, January 14 after 52 years on the throne and will be succeeded by her eldest son, Prince Frederick. Danish flags are already flying in the streets and decorating the city on the occasion of the outgoing queen's parade in her carriage to Christiansborg Palace, to attend a Council of State in which she will sign her abdication. Málaga 24 horas noticias live TV en vivo televisión española gratis Noticias en directo de el Mundo, última hora, España, Andalucía, y Málaga. Emisión Online gratis Directo de Málaga 24 Horas noticias. Tu canal de noticias en TDT e internet y operadores de fibra optica. Live information of Malaga, Andalucia, Spain and the world. Your news channel on DVB, internet and optic fiber operators. Live streaming

Malaga 24h Noticias
5 mois depuis

Al menos siete policías ecuatorianos han sido secuestrados por delincuentes, según fuentes policiales. Además, se han registrado explosiones en varias ciudades un día después de que el presidente Daniel Noboa declarara el Estado de excepción. En un vídeo obtenido por Reuters, se escucha la explosión de un coche bomba y cómo los lugareños gritan asustados por el contexto de violencia que se ha extendido por todo el país. English: At least seven Ecuadorian police officers have been kidnapped by criminals, according to police sources. In addition, explosions have been reported in several cities a day after President Daniel Noboa declared a state of emergency. In a video obtained by Reuters, the explosion of a car bomb is heard and locals scream, scared by the context of violence that has spread throughout the country. Málaga 24 horas noticias live TV en vivo televisión española gratis Noticias en directo de el Mundo, última hora, España, Andalucía, y Málaga. Emisión Online gratis Directo de Málaga 24 Horas noticias. Tu canal de noticias en TDT e internet y operadores de fibra optica. Live information of Malaga, Andalucia, Spain and the world. Your news channel on DVB, internet and optic fiber operators. Live streaming

Malaga 24h Noticias
5 mois depuis

Al menos diez personas han muerto, entre ellos dos agentes de Policía Nacional de Ecuador, y tres han resultado heridas, en el marco del "conflicto armado interno" declarado por el Gobierno ecuatoriano, liderado por Daniel Noboa, debido a la espiral de violencia desencadenada por la actividad de grupos "narcoterroristas". Además, tras la toma del canal ecuatoriano TC Televisión por un grupo de encapuchados armados, el incidente ha terminado con la detención de al menos 13 delincuentes y la liberación del personal. (Fuente: Policía y Ministerio de Gobierno de Ecuador) English: At least ten people have died, including two Ecuadorian National Police officers, and three have been injured, within the framework of the "internal armed conflict" declared by the Ecuadorian Government, led by Daniel Noboa, due to the spiral of violence unleashed due to the activity of "narcoterrorist" groups. Furthermore, after the takeover of the Ecuadorian channel TC Televisión by a group of armed hooded men, the incident ended with the arrest of at least 13 criminals and the release of staff. (Source: Police and Ministry of Government of Ecuador) Málaga 24 horas noticias live TV en vivo televisión española gratis Noticias en directo de el Mundo, última hora, España, Andalucía, y Málaga. Emisión Online gratis Directo de Málaga 24 Horas noticias. Tu canal de noticias en TDT e internet y operadores de fibra optica. Live information of Malaga, Andalucia, Spain and the world. Your news channel on DVB, internet and optic fiber operators. Live streaming

Malaga 24h Noticias
5 mois depuis

Las temperaturas globales batieron récord en 2023, superando por amplio margen a 2016, el año más cálido hasta ahora, y rozando la barrera de 1,5 grados más sobre niveles preindustriales. El Servicio de Cambio Climático Copernicus ha presentado este martes su balance anual, en el que confirma que 2023 fue el año más cálido registrado desde 1850 con una temperatura global media de 14,98°C, 0,17 grados más que en 2016. (Fuente: C3S, Europa Press) English: Global temperatures broke a record in 2023, surpassing 2016 by a wide margin, the warmest year so far, and touching the barrier of 1.5 degrees higher than pre-industrial levels. The Copernicus Climate Change Service presented its annual balance sheet this Tuesday, confirming that 2023 was the warmest year recorded since 1850 with an average global temperature of 14.98°C, 0.17 degrees higher than in 2016. ( Source: C3S, Europa Press) Málaga 24 horas noticias live TV en vivo televisión española gratis Noticias en directo de el Mundo, última hora, España, Andalucía, y Málaga. Emisión Online gratis Directo de Málaga 24 Horas noticias. Tu canal de noticias en TDT e internet y operadores de fibra optica. Live information of Malaga, Andalucia, Spain and the world. Your news channel on DVB, internet and optic fiber operators. Live streaming

Sky News Australia
5 mois depuis

Sky News host James Macpherson says a wind farm in Tasmania that risks killing the critically endangered orange-bellied parrot demonstrates the “conundrum” of trying to “save the environment” by “destroying” it. A planned 100-turbine wind farm on a remote Tasmanian island is facing a legal challenge from a community group. In November, the Robbins Island project was permitted to operate year-round after previous rules forcing it to shut down for five months each year during the migration of the critically endangered orange-bellied parrot were overturned. “These 100 wind turbines were originally approved with the conditions that five months of the year they sit idle, which is what wind turbines do most of the year anyway,” Mr Macpherson said. “Well, the project organisers said that just makes it financially unviable, so what the government have said now is ‘ok, you can still operate 12 months of the year, but you will pay a $100,000 fine for every wedge-tailed eagle and orange-bellied parrot that you kill’. “Someone is going to have to walk around Robbins Island counting the number of birds, calculating the fine. “Doesn’t this demonstrate the conundrum you’ve got when you’re trying to save the environment by destroying the environment – and that’s the problem that the environmental movement trying to reach net zero has.”

Sky News Australia
5 mois depuis

France has decided to drop its carbon targets and prioritise nuclear energy. France is talking about building up to 14 new nuclear power stations. Sky News host James Macpherson said the new energy bill seems “eminently sensible”. “What they're saying is if we have renewables well, that’s nice, that’s a good thing, but we're not saying we have to have this percentage of renewables,” he said. “Let's go nuclear - it's clean, it's efficient, it's reliable, it's going to solve a lot of problems that we’ve been talking about and if we have some solar and wind in the mix, well great, but we're not going to have a renewable target.”

Sky News Australia
5 mois depuis

A Sydney council has decided to spend $6,000 to remove a park bench after spending two years arguing about the position of the bench. The bench, donated by a local resident, was positioned on a nature strip in St Ives. Since the seat was installed, the council has carried out multiple traffic and safety studies, commissioned a private consultant to undertake a risk assessment and brought in a mediator to chair a community meeting. One local councillor described the position of the park bench as a "moral issue". The decision to remove the bench was based on a majority vote of Ku-ring-gai councillors during a fractious hour-long council meeting debate.

Sky News Australia
5 mois depuis

James Madison High School in Brooklyn, New York, is facing backlash after its students were told to stay home so thousands of migrants could be sheltered in the school instead. Around 2,000 migrants, who had been sheltered in a tent shelter in New York, were transferred to the nearby school due to high wind concerns. Sky News host Liz Storer said, “This really speaks to you how jam-packed full New York already is”. “I mean, it was less than three months ago we were talking about how the Mayor of New York was literally begging for mercy saying, we’ve run out of room,” she said. “And the fact that kids are now being bumped out of their own schools in favour of housing thousands of migrants goes to show they have run out of room.”

Sky News Australia
5 mois depuis

Sky News host Liz Storer says “the war on our farmers” continues as supermarkets bump up produce costs to consumers as the farmers see none of the extra profits. “I would term [this] the war on our farmers,” Ms Storer said. “They haven’t been paid properly for their produce for years. “Headlines have been across any number of media outlets for years. “The story keeps coming up.”

Record News
5 mois depuis

Está em tramitação no Congresso Nacional um projeto de lei para acabar com as "saidinhas" temporárias de detentos em datas comemorativas, como o Natal. O texto foi aprovado pela Câmara dos Deputados em 2022, mas atualmente está parado no Senado. E quem tira nossas dúvidas sobre esse projeto de lei referente à "saidinha" é Leonardo Pantaleão, especialista em Direito e Processo Penal e mestre em Direito das Relações Sociais pela PUC. Inscreva-se no canal da Record News no YouTube: ACOMPANHE A RECORD NEWS TAMBÉM NAS OUTRAS REDES: Instagram: TikTok: Threads: Twitter: Facebook:

Record News
5 mois depuis

UM Observatório Europeu confirmou que 2023 foi o ano mais quente da história em todo o mundo. No Brasil, a temperatura também foi a mais alta já registrada. Quem explica melhor esse cenário climático é Paulo Artaxo, professor de Física da USP e membro do IPCC, o Painel Intergovernamental de Mudanças Climáticas da ONU. Inscreva-se no canal da Record News no YouTube: ACOMPANHE A RECORD NEWS TAMBÉM NAS OUTRAS REDES: Instagram: TikTok: Threads: Twitter: Facebook:

Record News
5 mois depuis

Pesquisa desenvolvida na Embrapa identifica a quantidade de tanino nos vinhos. Projeto faz uso de nanocristais presentes em cavaco de seringueira. Inscreva-se no canal da Record News no YouTube: ACOMPANHE A RECORD NEWS TAMBÉM NAS OUTRAS REDES: Instagram: TikTok: Threads: Twitter: Facebook:

CNN Brasil
5 mois depuis

Assista AO VIVO ao programa Live CNN desta quarta-feira, 10 de janeiro de 2024. #CNNBrasil Inscreva-se no canal da CNN Brasil no YouTube. ACOMPANHE A CNN BRASIL TAMBÉM NAS OUTRAS PLATAFORMAS: Site: Podcasts: Newsletters: Facebook: Twitter: Instagram:

CNN Brasil
5 mois depuis

Os investidores seguem aguardando a divulgação da inflação dos Estados Unidos e do Brasil na quinta-feira (11). Confira as principais informações do mercado na primeira edição do dia do CNN Mercado, com Débora Oliveira. #CNNBrasil Inscreva-se no canal da CNN Brasil no YouTube. ACOMPANHE A CNN BRASIL TAMBÉM NAS OUTRAS PLATAFORMAS: Site: Podcasts: Newsletters: Facebook: Twitter: Instagram:

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