
'Genuinely detached from morality': Latest Kyle and Jackie 'O stunt raises criticism

Sky News Australia
Dans Asie / Australie

Small Business Women Australia Founder Amanda Rose has questioned if radio hosts Kyle Sandilands and Jackie ‘O’ Henderson are “genuinely that detached from morality” after Jackie ‘O’ reacted to virtual reality pornography live on air. “It was a very deliberate decision on their behalf to do this,” she told Sky News host Steve Price. “Are they genuinely that detached from morality that they think doing something like this is okay?" Ms Rose lamented the lack of responsibility displayed as the show is known to “influence so many youth”. “We are trying to protect people from this type of activity,” Ms Rose said. “This was actually crossing a line and how many times does someone need to cross the line before that line then becomes normal and then we have another line and, before you know it, morality has disappeared from society.”

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