
Albanese in a ‘pickle’ following ICC arrest warrant recommendations

Sky News Australia
Dans Asie / Australie

Sky News Political Editor Andrew Clennell says Prime Minister Anthony Albanese has found himself in a “pickle” following the International Criminal Court seeking arrest warrants for Israeli and Hamas leaders. An ICC prosecutor recommended to the Hague-based court that an arrest warrant be issued for Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu for war crimes, as well as warrants for Hamas leaders who ordered the October 7 attacks. “Netanyahu is soon to visit the US and address Congress. And Australia is a signatory to this International Criminal Court while Israel and the US are not after John Howard signed the country up in 2002,” Mr Clennell said. “Anthony Albanese believes the controversy over his reaction to this story is a storm in a teacup as this is a prosecutor's recommendation and there has not even been an arrest warrant issued.”

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