
Clementine Ford taken to task after failing to condemn sexual violence from Hamas

Sky News Australia
Dans Asie / Australie

Sky News host Erin Molan has called out “self-proclaimed Australian feminist” Clementine Ford for being on the wrong side of history by not voicing condemnation for the sexual crimes of Hamas on October 7 and beyond. “The current dossier of evidence that Hamas not only killed women and children, but they inflicted significant sexual violence and no doubt still are,” Ms Molan said. “Yet still, it isn’t enough for some -self-proclaimed Australian feminist Clementine Ford- I did a search of her social media this afternoon, of course expecting a moving tribute to these women or at the very least an acknowledgement of their existence. Absolutely nothing. “You are not on the right side of history like you think you are – those with hate in their hearts never are.”

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