
Kinsey Schofield weighs in on Scarlett Johansson's OpenAI row

Sky News Australia
Dans Asie / Australie

‘To Di For’ podcast host Kinsey Schofield has weighed in on Scarlett Johansson's claims that OpenAI copied her voice. Actress Scarlett Johanson expressed her 'shock' and 'anger' at a new feature from the AI program ChatGPT that used a voice she described as 'eerily similar' to hers. The 39-year-old revealed that OpenAI approached her to use her voice for the app assistant feature nine months ago, but she rejected them. Ms Schofield told Sky News host Rita Panahi that she thought it was “strange” that the company had approached her during the middle of the actor’s strike. “Had she agreed to do this she would have been seen as a traitor in Hollywood, so yeah she rejected the offer,” Ms Schofield said. “They argue that it’s not her and it’s not supposed to sound like her, but they sure did rip Sky who sounds just like Scarlett off the internet as quickly as she entered. “So, I think that was almost an admission of guilt right there Sky disappeared so quickly.”

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