
‘Vile anti-Semitic pogroms’: Greg Sheridan on ‘very serious situation’ at universities in US

Sky News Australia
U Azija

The Australian Foreign Editor Greg Sheridan says university campuses across the United States are facing the “very serious situation” of “vile anti-Semitic pogroms”. New York’s Columbia University has cancelled in-person classes due to rising tensions over pro-Palestinian demonstrations. More than a hundred people have been arrested on campus since the rallies began. “I think it’s a very serious situation for America,” Mr Sheridan told Sky News Australia. “It’s part of the breakdown of civility and basic willingness to abide by the law in America. “It’s a complex situation. “What you’ve got now in campuses across America is a situation of vile anti-Semitic pogroms which are reminiscent of Europe in the 19th century.”

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