
'Sustainable migration' and 'rebalancing' towards required skills should be supp

Sky News Australia
Dans Asie / Australie

Former New South Wales Labor treasurer Michael Costa discusses the need for a stream of “sustainable migration”. This comes amid concern regarding Australia’s increasing migration numbers putting a strain on housing, as well as the country’s economic position. “The per capita recession has only been a recent phenomena,” Mr Costa told Sky News host Andrew Bolt. “The two decades prior to that we had growth in real incomes even though productivity was low. “I don’t think we should be throwing out the baby with the bath water. “A temporary suspension of the migration program and a rebalancing towards the skills that we need, as Peter Dutton is proposing, makes a lot of sense, and I think it should be supported. “But as a country, we do need to have a steady state of sustainable migration.”

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