
GOA Press Conference - December 4th 2023


Honourable Premier Ellis L. Webster, MD will hold the next in the series of Press Conferences at 2pm. An update on Government Business to date will be provided. Members of Cabinet will also join the press conference to answer any questions in relation to specific areas of concern to their areas of responsibility. -- Persons who feel that they or someone they know may need support with coping through these times, please contact the Mental Health and Psycho-social Support Hotline at 7233-S.A.F.E. The hotline is available 24/7, and it’s a free call. Las personas que sientan que ellas o alguien que conocen puede necesitar apoyo para sobrellevar estos momentos, comuníquese con la línea directa de salud mental y apoyo psicosocial. Este número es S.A.F.E (7233), y la llamada es gratis. Esta línea directa está disponible las 24 horas, los 7 días de la semana.

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