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Labor’s $100m in aid to Ukraine ‘not a huge amount of money’

Sky News Australia
En Asia

Sky News contributor Joe Hildebrand says the government’s latest announcement of $100 million to assist Ukraine in its war against Russia is “not a huge amount of money”. Mr Hildebrand joined Sky News Senior Reporter Caroline Marcus to discuss the latest aid support from the government. “The most important thing about what Richard Marles said is that this is just another tranche in an ongoing support effort,” he said. “$100 million bucks in a big war like this frankly is not a huge amount of money, but it has beat $1 billion – that’s a solid amount of money. “If Australia is not prepared and the West aren’t prepared to help a country like Ukraine hold its own and fight off an aggressor who is so clearly in the wrong then I don’t know what the point of having NATO or the West or liberal democracy [is].”

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