
Noticia - Arranca el juicio a Rafael Amargo por presunta venta de droga

Malaga 24h Noticias
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En la Audiencia Provincial de Madrid se juzga desde este lunes al bailaor Rafael Amargo por presunta venta de droga en su antiguo piso del barrio de Malasaña a terceras personas de manera "persistente" a cambio de dinero. El juicio se iba a celebrar en junio, pero se suspendió, porque el exproductor del bailaor renunció a su abogado. El popular artista cumple prisión preventiva desde el pasado mes de diciembre a instancias de la Fiscalía de Madrid por incumplir las medidas cautelares impuestas en este procedimiento al no acudir a firmar las comparecencias quincenales ante el juzgado. El abogado de Amargo, Marcos García Montes, ha solicitado al tribunal que su cliente declare al final del juicio, en lugar de al inicio como estaba previsto, y ha anunciado que defenderá su inocencia sosteniendo que estaba afectado por el consumo de drogas. English: In the Provincial Court of Madrid, dancer Rafael Amargo has been tried since Monday for allegedly selling drugs in his old apartment in the Malasaña neighborhood to third parties in a "persistent" manner in exchange for money. The trial was going to be held in June, but it was suspended because the dancer's former producer renounced his lawyer. The popular artist has been in preventive detention since last December at the request of the Madrid Prosecutor's Office for failing to comply with the precautionary measures imposed in this procedure by not attending to sign the biweekly appearances before the court. Amargo's lawyer, Marcos García Montes, has asked the court that his client testify at the end of the trial, instead of at the beginning as planned, and has announced that he will defend his innocence by maintaining that he was affected by drug use. Málaga 24 horas noticias live TV en vivo televisión española gratis Noticias en directo de el Mundo, última hora, España, Andalucía, y Málaga. Emisión Online gratis Directo de Málaga 24 Horas noticias. Tu canal de noticias en TDT e internet y operadores de fibra optica. Live information of Malaga, Andalucia, Spain and the world. Your news channel on DVB, internet and optic fiber operators. Live streaming www.malaga24h.com

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