
‘Tough time’ for the Jewish and pro-Israeli community

Sky News Australia

Israeli author and activist Noa Tishby says it is a “tough time” for the Jewish community amid pro-Palestine protests in the West. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has commented on pro-Palestine protests on university campuses in the United States, saying, ‘We’ve seen in history that anti-Semitic attacks were always preceded by vilification and slander.’ A Jewish professor at Columbia University in the United States was barred from entering the campus. The university has cancelled in-person classes due to rising tensions over pro-Palestinian demonstrations. “It’s a tough time for the Jewish community, for the Israeli community, for the pro-Israeli community – it’s a tough time to be a Jew,” Ms Tishby told Sky News Australia. “However, we need to look at what’s happening now through the prism of 5,000 years of Jewish existence, and we need to look at it through the prism of every few generations … somebody comes out to get us. “Throughout history, not only did the Jewish community survive this, we thrived [in] it. “So, if I was betting, I would not short the Jews.”


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