
‘Unacceptable’: NZ Prime Minister on Chinese cyber-attack

Sky News Australia
Di Asia

New Zealand Prime Minister Christopher Luxon has labelled a Chinese cyber-attack on New Zealand’s parliamentary system “unacceptable”. Mr Luxon recently called out China publicly over a cyber-attack on New Zealand. “It’s been a long-standing and complex relationship for the last 50 years,” Mr Luxon told Sky News host Erin Molan. “There’s no doubt about it – China is an undeniable force in global politics. “For us, we look at it very clearly, which is that we have strong cooperation in areas where there is common and mutual interest around trade, around climate, around our people-to-people links, particularly through tourism and through students. “We have acknowledged that we have different political cultures, histories and systems – that creates divergent views and, therefore, differences of opinion. “What we will do always is present those issues in a predictable and consistent way – publicly or privately with the Chinese, and that’s been the nature of our conversations with them. “You saw us call out recently Chinese cyber-attacks on New Zealand’s parliamentary system – unacceptable – and we’re very comfortable to do that.”

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