
COME INTO HIS HOUSE ! Every mountain and hill brought low


Luke 3:5 Every valley shall be filled And every mountain and hill brought low; The crooked places shall be made straight And the rough ways smooth; 6 And all flesh shall see the salvation of God.’” - (NKJV) Isaiah 2:2 Now it shall come to pass in the latter days That the mountain of the Lord’s house Shall be established on the top of the mountains, And shall be exalted above the hills; And all nations shall flow to it. 3 Many people shall come and say, “Come, and let us go up to the mountain of the Lord, To the house of the God of Jacob; He will teach us His ways, And we shall walk in His paths.” For out of Zion shall go forth the law, And the word of the Lord from Jerusalem. - (NKJV) Daniel 2:44 “In the time of those kings, the God of heaven will set up a kingdom that will never be destroyed, nor will it be left to another people. It will crush all those kingdoms and bring them to an end, but it will itself endure forever. - (NIV) Every mountain and hill brought low 1. Who may acent to the mountain of the Lord 2. He humbles those who dwell on high 3. Day of reckoning to the hills and mountains of the nations 4. Intangible & tangible rescource from the mountain of the Lord 5. Only one mountain remains and shall be desired


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