
Hedley Thomas unveils new podcast which investigates Bronwyn Winfield’s disappearance

Sky News Australia
Dans Asie / Australie

The Australian’s National Chief Correspondent Hedley Thomas has launched a new podcast to investigate the cold case of Bronwyn Winfield’s disappearance. The young mother was just 31-years-old when she disappeared from her home in the New South Wales Northern Rivers more than three decades ago. She left behind her estranged husband and two young children – aged five and 10 – and hasn’t been seen or heard from since. “I hope that we will find, and I’m sure that we will have more people coming forward ... with information that helps us understand what might have happened,” Mr Thomas told Sky News Australia. “I just think the family deserves answers – we need to put some of these cases finally to rest and give these women the respect and dignity they’ve always deserved.”

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