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Rita Panahi slams 'eKaren' online safety commissioner over censorship push

Sky News Australia
En Asia

Sky News host Rita Panahi has condemned Australian eSafety Commissioner Julie Inman Grant over her push to ban footage of an alleged terror attack from a Wakeley church not just for Australia, but the world. “As Elon Musk explained, 'our concern is that if any country is allowed to censor content for all countries, which is what the Australian eSafety Commissar is demanding, then what is to stop any country from controlling the entire internet?'," Ms Panahi said. "And he is one hundred per cent right. Do we really want some bureaucrat from some corrupt third world nation or Canberra determining what is available on the internet? “The Albanese government should be condemned for using an alleged terrorist incident to limit what content Australians can access. “But instead of condemnation it is winning bouquets from the bulk of the Australian media which seems to be gagging for greater censorship no matter how unreasonable.”

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